In Israel: Memorial Day and Independence Day are intertwined

In Israel: Memorial Day and Independence Day are intertwined

This week, more than 280,000 people from all over the world tuned into the Joint Israeli and Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony, which HBT co-sponsored (see our logo below among 100 other organizations). The important message of this event was: the pain of the conflict is the same pain for Israelis and Palestinians.  

The ceremony is an annual event organized by American Friends of the Parents Circle and Combatants for Peace, who bring Israelis and Palestinians together to lay the groundwork for a better, more peaceful, prosperous, and cooperative future for everyone who calls that bit of territory home.

In Israel, Memorial Day precedes Yom Ha'atzma'ut, Israel Independence Day, which took place today, Thursday, April 15, when we mark 73 years since the founding of the State of Israel.

In the ceremony, we heard from bereaved Palestinian mother, Laila El-Shaikh; we heard it from bereaved, Israeli brother, Gili Meisler and we heard it from actor, Richard Gere:  Bereavement and conflict are not an act of fate. There is another way. 

If you want to view the Ceremony, you can find the recording here.  

Posted on April 15, 2021 .