Thank you

We gratefully acknowledge the following donations received in OCTOBER:

Vicky Cotton in honor of Rabbi Penzner’s retirement

Ethel Magidson to sponsor the October 15th kiddush

Jean Moss with wishes to Dianne Heitin for a year of good health and joy

Bonnie & Herb Shuer in appreciation of HBT and all who worked so hard through the pandemic

Allen J. Worters Memorial Lecture

Paula Doress-Worters

Tim Heeren & Ruth Lederman

Lenny Henkin

Rabbi Penzner & Brian Rosman

Janis Rattet

Janet Rickles

Tammy & Craig Schneider

Nessa Spitzer

Memorial Donations

Arlene Alpert & David Mehlman in memory of her parents, Esther M. & Melvin Alpert

Cynthia Berkowitz in memory of Aaron Skahill

Cynthia Berkowitz in memory of Isaac Kliger

Cynthia Berkowitz in memory of Charlene Rosman

Cynthia Berkowitz in memory of Betty & Stephen Penzner

Morton Gold in memory of his father, Cantor Leon Gold

Cynthia Goldberg in memory of her aunt, Catherine Perlmuter

Donald Goldstein in memory of Abraham Goldstein

Lenny Henkin in memory of his father, Jacob Henkin

Lenny Henkin in memory of his grandmother, Anna Lillian Robinson

Barbara Kassler in memory of her grandmother, Lottie Becker

Nechama Katz & Serena Shapiro in memory of their grandmother, Evelyn Sherman Polster

Heather Kough & Dom Wilkins in memory of their friend, Judith Giller-Leinwohl

Laurie Rotman in memory of Bess Brenner

Laurie Rotman in memory of Stanley Bello

Gary Schweon in memory of his father, William Schweon

Sandi Serkess in memory of her father, Leonard Serkess

Emily Stahler in memory of her mother, Frances Stahler

Merle Wolofsky in memory of Bess Brenner

Merle Wolofsky in memory of Stanley Bello

Rabbi’s Discretionary fund

David Brenner in appreciation of Rabbi Penzner and in loving memory of his mother, Bess Brenner

Ari Davidow & Judy Pinnolis

Posted on November 3, 2022 and filed under Contributions.